Friday, May 18, 2018


We live in a world that is filled with anger, bullying, no consequences, no boundaries, entitlement, no common sense and no respect.

Guess what there are some very amazing people out there that truly care and want to make this world a better place.  I am so grateful everyday for those that work so hard and truly care about life and where they are going and how honorable they are to their fellow man.

I just read an article about rotting of America.  Well guess what I am not rotting and still hold high honor, respect, common sense and being kind, gentle and humble.  I am still grateful God gives me each day to be the best I can be. I am grateful for the greatness that surrounds me.  I am grateful for the time I have with the wonderful humans that give of themselves each and every day.  I am grateful for the time I get to spend with the animals even though their lives are shorter usually than ours.  They give us unconditional love and special lessons.  They give us purpose.  Yes they can be annoying at times. One of our cats is at the vet and it is so quiet in the house.  Our dog Josy don't know what to do with herself as her friend is not here to chase her around.  They are missed when they are not here.  We are grateful for each day we get to spend with them.

Gratitude comes in many different forms.  Grateful for the breath we take, grateful for the day that lies ahead, grateful for the sun that shines, grateful for family, friends and special people in our lives that make a difference.

Someone said to me you want to leave a legacy.  Yes that legacy is only to continue to make a difference in the lives of the children for many years to come.  It is not about our names it is about being grateful for the relationships and the impact we have on relationships.  It is about giving chances to people that had no chance.  Doing the best you can each and every day.  Following the path that God leads you on and keep on moving with gratitude in your heart.  Yes we will get storms, slapped, kicked and run over by people but the majority are here because they to want to make a difference.

America wake up follow God and be grateful for each day.  Treat people with kindness and love.  Put down the electronics and breath in the air and sunshine and get a little dirty and follow your passion with love in your heart.