Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Voice

So, yes I forgot to blog last week but that's what I get for being so busy running here and there.  It is OK I enjoy the business of conducting business.

A voice.  I was asked the other day about the difference between being intimidating and inspiring.  I was told that one feels like you might be intimidating usually not always feels a good of self-esteem or self-confidence.  If someone feels you are inspiring it shows a lot of confidence and they are in awe of you.

I have learned throughout the years there are so many different personalities and so many struggle with so many issues.  I have learned and gained some wisdom throughout those years but the one thing I have always wanted to do is be the voice for those that have no voice.

Sometimes I think I come across in many of the wrong ways but the end result is I care deeply about the people who are not able to stand up for themselves and I will go the extra mile to help them find their way.  A voice, when they have no voice, a leaning shoulder when they have no shoulder to lean on.  I so want to be the person that shows the way to a better life and I step on peoples toes in the process.  I don't mean to but my passion gets in the way and I want whats best for others not myself. God put me on this earth for a purpose and I believe to this very day it is to be the voice for the people that have no voice.  It is to be the spirit that leads the way.  God said let there be light.  Shine your light so bright that darkness can not seep through.  I want to shine my light so that others can see the light.  That means being a voice, that means passion, love, respect, kindness and sometimes it even means stepping back and reevaluating your situation and whom shall I share my life with or whom shall I have a voice.  It means being positive in all situations but also stand up for the purpose and the vision.

On this day may God give me the strength and voice to show the way for those that do not have a voice.

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