Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tribute to the beautiful Blue Bayou!

Dear Blue,

My sweet Blue Bayou.  Your beautiful  white mane and colorful long tail will forever stand out in my memory.  Your tickling mustache and the flowing feathers were so much a part of your personality.  No horse will ever replace you.   You were the horse of every girl’s dream.  You were the breeze blowing on our backs as you ran and played in the pasture with Buddy.  You were the essence of beauty as you carried the little children on your back.  You were the character with your playful personality that everyone dreams of displaying in their own life.  God definitely has better plans for you.  I will miss you so much.   My heart aches as I write these words.  So soon, so young, so fast you have left our sides.  Blue Bayou, I remember the beautiful day that you arrived.  A gorgeous fall day, as you stepped off of the trailer in all your beauty.  You knew you were beautiful.   I was overwhelmed and honored to receive you as part of ASPIRE’S program.  I was filled with gratitude and blessings.  It was an honor to watch you grow and develop into the beauty you had become.   You touched so many lives , made so many differences and you touched many lives far and wide.  You were awed by so many all around the community and US.  You were famous my friend.   You were famous in ASPIRE’S eyes.  You were at the right destination at the right time.  You were meant to be a part of ASPIRE.  Blue I won’t forget the time you walked up the ramp and then we had to decide how to get you down.  I remember your playfulness as you and Buddy played in the pasture.  I remember how free you looked as you ran like the breeze in your beautiful pasture and new loafing shed.  You were able to run free all day and night with your new shed.  You were so happy.   You mellowed as you took your turn with the older horses.  Everyone loved you Blue.   As we traveled to Ames to say goodbye, nigh did I know I would be saying goodbye in the car.  I sat and closed my eyes and watch you ascend and said goodbye to a very dear friend. Go now in peace my friend and know how much you were loved and the impact you had on so many lives.  Till we meet again my beautiful Blue Bayou!

                By the edge of the woods, at the foot of a hill, is a lush green meadow where time stands still, where the friends of man and woman do run, when their time on earth is over and done.

                For here, between this world and the next, is a place where beloved creatures find rest.  On this golden land, they wait and they play, til the Rainbow Bridge they cross one day.

                No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, for here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.  Their limbs restored, their health renewed.  Their bodies have healed with strength imbued.

                They trot through the grass without even a care, til one day they whinny and sniff at the air.  All ears prick forward, eyes sharp and alert.  Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the herd.

                For just at that second, there’s no room for remorse.  As they see each other, one person, one horse.  So they run to each other, these friends from long past the time of their parting is over at last.

                The sadness they felt while they were apart had turned to joy once more in each heart.  They nuzzle with a love that will last forever.  Than then side-by-side they cross over together.





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