Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Father's Day

Good  Morning!  How is everyone on this week after Father's Day!  I am feeling quite well today!

What does Father's Day mean to you?  I lost my Father when I was 16 years old.  I lost my first husband the father of my children when I was 32.  I now don't have a mother, father or former in-laws and no first husband.  You might say your life is empty.   I beg to differ.  Each and everyone of these people have taught me many life lessons.  I have had some amazing men cross my path in 65 years of life.  I have had some unique men cross my path.  They all come with unique personalities and their own issues but I learned from each one.

I was brought up in the era of it is ok to spank your children.  Yes I got spanked from time to time.  I was however, daddy's little girl.  But I knew to mind my manners and treat my mother with respect no matter what or when my dad got home I would be in deep trouble.  I grew up being outside all the time.  I helped with the garden, I swam in our backyard pool, yep played in the sandbox, played on the swing set and played games with the neighbors.   I enjoyed time playing with my dad.  We always had animals, dogs, cats, hamsters, parakeets, guinea pigs, rabbits and yes my dad brought me a salamander.   We always had something to be responsible for plus all our chores at home, like dishes, laundry, sweeping, then in the summer it was snapping beans, podding peas and helping with canning and freezing vegetables and fruits.

We spent many weekends and summers at my aunt and uncles farm and my grandma and grandpas farm.  We rode cows, played in the shell corn, helped with milking cows and we let the calves suck our fingers, rode in the old truck around the fields and into town and got ice cream.  We got up early and went to bed late.  There was always things to do.

Lessons I learned were work ethic, strive hard for what you want in life.   I learned unconditional love from the animals.  In fact my mom said I grieved the death of an animal more than humans.  I learned to laugh.  My father liked to tell jokes and horse around so he was always making us laugh.  My dad was always a helper so I learned what that meant to help others.  We always enjoyed our time at the lake.  We have many memories of our vacation at the lake.  I learned to survive.  I learned to be quiet when I needed to be.  I learned to always be alert to my surroundings as on the farm you were always watching for equipment, etc.  I learned how to not trust people but to trust animals and God.  I learned that all people were not the same. There are truly a few you can trust.  I learned a lot about faith as we were required to attend Sunday school and church.   I learned to trust myself and not to put my faith in others but in God.  I struggled with trauma from the many losses but I was a strong-willed determined lady.  I learned that from both my mom and dad.  I learned to babysit at a very young age so my love for children came easy.

On this day after Father's day I have learned many life lessons from so many and I have chosen to put so much of my faith in God as my father.

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